

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I ditched the night at Aunt Marilyns

Okay I know your wondering what is the title "I ditched the night at Aunt Marilyns" means but it is just a catchy title for Thanksgiving.  And this was not your average typical Thanksgiving.  It was a fun one.  So back to the beginning shall we, you know us early birds are always up doing something early.  (Yes I am talking to you grandma) (ha ha ha) Well I was up early with my domino set (causing commotion) which forced daddy to wake up.   (He is a late elephant) .  I made most of the tracks until it went Kaboom .  Daddy did only one track while I was downstairs (and by downstairs I mean basement) getting paper towels.  He gave up quickly and made me make more tracks that fall down  and practically made me look like a failure.  (At least better than Hilary Clinton in these debates).  (If you think that was funny give my blog two likes!)  Yes probably everything else was everyday life.  But no!  It was Thanksgiving (Good thing the Grinch did not steal Thanksgiving that would be bad).  So off to Aunt Marilyns we go.  And to our surprise...Sadie the cute puppy was here  .If your Aunt Marilyn read this (Sadie looks like a Husky).  Like always there where lots of pies near the dishwasher.  We said hi to many of our family members like always.  Then I played Hide-and-go-Seek with Grace.  Mikayla had to help me a bit.  I hid good but Grace needed help.(#whydoesGraceneedhelp?)  Then we ate food food food food food food food food food.  (#whyyoueatsomuchfood).  Which reminds me I ate a lot of food on Thanksgiving.  And then we played with my domino set by almost toppling 134 dominoes down. (Barely) .  Time to leave! Sadie did the Waltz with me.  Back to Nana's house for toppling dominoes.  

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Betrayal

I once had a best friend a good best friend, we talked British, went to Gate and played together.  Then she betrayed me.  I did not know what to do.  I hadn't been betrayed before.  It hurts to be friends with someone who betrayed you.  She has not played with me ever since then.  I decided to be friends with her now. she plays with her other friends after she would play with me.  She says she will play with me but doesn't.  What kind of friend is that?  But if she betrays me again I will write a better post about it.

My Florida Adventure

Once upon a time a little boy went to Florida with his dad  . It was the little boy who had not been on an airplane before.  The little boy was worried.   The dad told him to cover his ears. The boy mostly played on his kindle on the trip.  He thought about his friends and what they were doing.  Thinking not or never once about his friend at Disney.  Once they got to Florida it was a hot mess.  Where were grandma and grandpa?  Finally they arrived!  The little boy noticed cookies in the car.  The grandpa drove them to the restaurant.   The family took the food to their trailer.  The little boy was excited because he hadn't been here before.   It was about time to get to bed.  The little boy had to sleep on the table.   He didn't enjoy it but he didn't say a peep.   He woke up tired and amazed not remembering anything from yesterday.   Then he'd remembered he had been captured by royal guards.  Oh no he hadn't been captured he had been on a vacation.  When he woke up he was shocked when he saw his grandma up.  (His grandma doesn't usually wake up before him)  She said we were going to the pool.  The little boy was excited he had not been in an Floridan pool before.  The family got their swimming trunks on and had some fun.   I got to see the 'big fisherman'.  The family left briefly after that .  They went back home to get their phone to geocache.  The trailer was right outside the store or at least a little ways.  There was a wonderful geocache near the store.  We didn't find the geocache but we tried to find it.  Then the family went to the store.  The little boy had a strong feeling of joy as they went back home in their cart.  The little boy felt as if to burst or explode with happiness.  The little boy had to sleep on the table again!  What a nightmare.  The next morn he woke his grandma and dad up.  His grandma played slap jack with him and zany eights was no use so we went swimming in the Gulf Of Mexico!  And there were no jellyfish in the part of sea partially surrounded by land.  The boy was full of excitement.  They were going to Disney.  They stopped to get donuts on the way to Orlando.  Once they got into Disney the grandpa did not know what he was doing.  He was lost but then he found his way.  We found our hotel.  Then we went swimming.  At last we got to go in our room.  They had this Mickey electronic thing.  Our room was wonderful.  They had lots of Mickey things at Disney.  Downtown Disney was fun.  When it was time to say goodbye life gave me lemons so I made lemonade.  Stay tuned for betrayal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My First Blog

Hi I am Colton Morefield I am in third grade.  I have a friend who betrayed me.  I lost my two front teeth so I am now a toothless wonder.  And you should know I love elements!  I have collected state magnets over the years and now I practically have them all!  I love Halloween candy!I go to Gate.  Gate is for brainy people.  We are studying pioneers.  Pioneers seem like friendly people. I am friendly too!  When I grow up I will move to Alaska!  I know that sounds crazy but I want to.  Surprising or not my favorite state is Alaska.  I have two cousins I know they have fun games some of mine are better some worst. (most are worst.)I want Shopkins for Christmas.  Stay tuned! 

Herpetologist's Delight

🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 I've got 3 stories. This is the account of the second. St. Cloud, Florid...